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  • Online Commercial Solar Pricing Tool

    Posted on Apr 30, 2021

    Solarpedia Online Commercial Solar Pricing Tool Your browser does not support iframes.

  • Solar Design - Are South-Facing Panels Worth it?

    Posted on Apr 03, 2021

    Solar Design - Are South-Facing Panels Worth it? Solar design critically affects how much energy you get from your solar system, and therefore how much money you save. Design features include the number and types of panels, panel orientation and panel tilt. Over the life of the system, a good design can make a very big difference to the economics. Optimum Tilt Angles for North, East and West Facing Panels In some cases the roof may not be flat and other factors may influence orientation and tilt. What are the optimum tilt angles for panels with different orientations? As a general rule, the b...

  • New Business Solar State Rebate (VIC) is Launching

    Posted on Mar 14, 2021

    New Business Solar State Rebate (VIC) is Launching Yes, you read it right. We’re talking about a new additional rebate for commercial solar. Just when we thought that solar was very affordable given the various incentives available, the Victorian State government is adding one more out of the blue. Smart and savvy small business owners would not miss this… This initiative will bring down energy bills for small businesses by reducing the upfront cost of the installation of an approved small-scale solar PV system up to 30kW. To support the economic recovery of Victorian small businesses and t...

  • How Renewable Energy is Helping to Power Australia’s Response to COVID-19

    Posted on Feb 22, 2021

    How Renewable Energy is Helping to Power Australia’s Response to COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of local manufacturing when it comes to medical supplies, such as face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE). Being able to sustainably produce these items locally ensures a consistent supply – particularly in times of high demand. One great example of this is Softmed, a Campbellfield, Victoria-based surgical-grade face mask manufacturer. In 2020, Softmed spent more than $30 million expanding its manufacturing capabilities, including a new state-of-the...

  • Wanted: CONTENT creator/ CREATIVE writer passionate about RENEWABLE energy

    Posted on Oct 23, 2020

    Wanted: CONTENT creator/ CREATIVE writer passionate about RENEWABLE energy If you are a proven CONTENT creator/ CREATIVE writer passionate about RENEWABLE energy, then you can make an impact with our solid startup! We are looking for a future BUSINESS LEADER with the vision to impact the community and a strong desire to succeed. 1.Want flexible yet very rewarding work? What if you can use renewable energy to save lives? 2.Why not do great work and still spend plenty of time with your mates/ partner or pursue your passion? 4.Would you like to be at the front line of Australia’s sustainability?...

  • Federal Budget: What’s in it for Your Business?

    Posted on Oct 06, 2020

    Federal Budget: What’s in it for Your Business? Touted as the most significant Federal Budget in the last few decades, 20-21 budget includes massive $27b tax breaks (through different schemes) for virtually all businesses, bar only 1 %. One terrific change is the expansion of the Instant Asset Write-Off. Simply put, it now means bigger, better and more accessible tax credits! The details available publicly as of 8th October 2020 are rather convoluted. What do Instant Asset Write-Off (IAWO), Accelerated Depreciation and Temporary Full Expensing all mean? We’ll simplify them for you below. In sh...

  • COVID Economic Outlook and The Future, by NAB Economists

    Posted on Sep 23, 2020

    COVID Economic Outlook and The Future, by NAB Economists I attended an economic briefing by a senior NAB economist not long ago. I figured you or your business would find these collated data insightful. The National Australia Bank (NAB) Business Confidence Index rates the current level of business conditions in Australia. Changes in business sentiment can be an early signal of future economic activity such as spending, hiring, and investment. See below how lockdowns affected business confidence and investment. These consumption data below highlight industry winners and losers. Most of these...

  • Why Solar Companies Go Out of Business and The Impact on Customers

    Posted on Sep 03, 2020

    Why Solar Companies Go Out of Business and The Impact on Customers More than 750 solar companies (a recent list on the link below) on the ASIC website since 2011 are shown as closed, in liquidation, administrators appointed or proposed de-registration. It is estimated that these left millions of solar systems ‘orphan’, meaning that the system is unsupported by the initial installation company. Often the manufacturer of the inverters, solar panels etc don’t have an office in Australia. In many cases, other technicians are not keen to touch unfamiliar or sub-standard systems. Hence, it’s difficu...

  • Have You Really Got the Best Solar Deal?

    Posted on Jul 30, 2020

    Have You Really Got the Best Solar Deal? You can't be sure until you talk to us! This client in Melbourne West thought they had found the best commercial solar deal after going out to get some quotes.....until we found them a better technical solution for a similar price. We've gone with recent technologies involving high-output PV panels and a 110 kW inverter to optimise labour hours. We're pleased with the feedback: They are delighted by the quality of the install and the service. Thank you to this pet food manufacturer for trusting us and our recommended installer. See some pictures below:...

  • How Did Electricity Prices Come Down?

    Posted on Jul 14, 2020

    How Did Electricity Prices Come Down? Electricity prices go up and go down like a yo-yo, don’t they? Many events have disrupted the energy market in Q2 of 2020 including but not limited to the collapse of fuel (oil) prices, COVID 19 expected to reduce commercial & Industrial energy demand and increase household demand and the huge amount of renewable energy entering the market. What could be the two things that businesses can do to protect their bottom line? Before answering that, here are interesting information that can provide some context. Clare Savage (Chair of Australian Energy Regulator...

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