Free Engineer - Why Commercial Solar

Why you should consider solar energy for commercial purposes:

  • Are you paying considerable money every month for your electricity? Why don’t you invest this money instead into an asset that you’ll own?
  • Energy independence - Energy is becoming an increasingly valuable resource, so why don't you take control of your businesses' future and own your power station?
  • You can do a world of good for our environment
  • You can invest in your own building – solar can be an asset that will increase the price of your property and can help you and future owners save a significant amount of money
  • Decentralised generation - You'll receive minimum energy loss compared to large amounts of energy loss from power stations due to kilometres of wires. Did you know that these losses from power stations are paid by you through your electricity bills?

The Problems

  • Did you know Australian electricity costs have roughly doubled in a recent 7-year period*? How will you be affected by increasing energy costs?
  • Would you like to see energy reduction but are just too busy with work and other commitments?
  • How do your customers perceive your business’ commitment to sustainability?
  • The numbers of energy reduction suppliers such as solar or lighting companies are mind-boggling, how would you find a trustworthy supplier?
  • Would conflicting information on Google be good enough to qualify which suppliers deserve your hard-earned cash?
  • How would you know the payback period and return on investment of these solutions?
    *Sydney Morning Herald June 14, 2014

If you’d like to have control, choices, confidence and trustworthy suppliers for your energy reduction, please take the next step:

get trusted commercial quotes

Is that all how we can help you?

Wait, there’s more.

Wait, there’s more. What if we have put together a bulk-supply deal where you can get very competitive electricity rates with higher feed-in tariffs than the minimum rate? That is expected to improve your net benefit and solar payback

Please click below to register your interest for Solar, Electricity or Gas bulk-supply

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Why be part of Free Engineer’s group-buying community?

  • • Be part of a buying group with more power to negotiate competitive deals with the suppliers
  • • FE monitor and continuously improve their processes.
  • • FE provide prequalified suppliers, which will save you time/ effort spent researching and money.
  • • FE enable you to save lives through solar solutions (optional) by our exclusive partnership with World Vision

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